Forex trading has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in Singapore, where the market is increasing. With its high liquidity and potential for significant returns, it’s no surprise that more people are involved in forex trading. However, with any trading, there is always an element of risk involved. That’s why novice traders must have the right tools and knowledge to navigate the forex market successfully. 

One such tool that has gained popularity among novice traders is mutual funds. Mutual funds are a type of investment vehicle that pools money from various investors to invest in different asset classes, including stocks, bonds, and currencies. This article will discuss why mutual funds are an excellent forex trading tool for novice traders in Singapore.


One of the primary reasons mutual funds are a great forex trading tool for novice traders in Singapore is because they offer diversification. As mentioned, mutual funds pool money from various investors to invest in different asset classes. Therefore, your investment is spread across multiple assets, reducing the risk of investing in a single currency or company.

For novice traders who may not have a deep understanding of the forex market, investing in mutual funds can help mitigate potential losses. As the saying goes, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” and diversification is critical in trading.

Mutual funds also provide access to a wide range of currencies that may be challenging for an individual trader to invest in. It allows novice traders to have exposure to different currencies without worrying about managing and monitoring multiple positions.

Professional management

Another advantage of investing in mutual funds as a novice trader is that they are professionally managed. Mutual funds are typically run by experienced fund managers who have an in-depth understanding of the forex market. These professionals actively manage the fund’s investments, making decisions based on thorough research and analysis.

This professional management can benefit novice traders who may not have the time or knowledge to manage their forex trades actively. It removes the pressure of constantly monitoring the market and making quick decisions, which can overwhelm new traders.

Mutual funds also provide access to expert opinions and insights from fund managers, which can benefit novice traders looking to learn more about the forex market.

Lower costs

Compared to other investment options, mutual funds have relatively low costs. The fees charged by mutual funds are usually lower than those of hedge funds or managed accounts.

These lower costs are crucial for novice traders who may not have significant capital to invest in the forex market. Lower fees mean a higher return on investment, which can benefit traders with limited resources. Mutual funds often have lower minimum investment requirements, making them accessible to novice traders.

Investment funds in Singapore are also regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), ensuring that fees charged by mutual funds are fair and transparent. Therefore, novice traders can be confident that their investments are managed professionally and not charged exorbitant fees.

Risk management

As mentioned earlier, forex trading involves a certain level of risk. However, mutual funds offer built-in risk management strategies that can benefit novice traders. These include diversification and professional management, as discussed above. Mutual funds also have risk management policies that protect investors’ capital.

For instance, some mutual funds may have stop-loss orders to limit potential losses. These orders automatically sell the fund’s assets if they reach a specific price point, minimising the impact of market volatility on investors’ portfolios.

Mutual funds also offer different types of funds with varying levels of risk. For novice traders who may not be comfortable with high-risk investments, mutual funds focus on lower-risk assets, such as bonds or stable currencies.

Convenience and accessibility

Investing in mutual funds is a convenient and accessible option for novice traders. Most mutual fund companies offer online platforms where investors can easily monitor their investments and track performance.

Mutual funds allow investors to make regular contributions or withdrawals, allowing flexibility in managing their investment portfolio. It benefits novice traders with little initial capital but can gradually invest more.

Mutual funds are readily available through various financial institutions and brokers in Singapore. The ease of access allows novice traders to start investing without much hassle or prior knowledge.

Learning opportunity

Mutual funds offer a valuable learning opportunity for novice traders. As mentioned earlier, mutual funds provide access to expert insights and professional management. It can be an excellent way for new traders to learn more about the forex market from experienced professionals. They can also gain exposure to different trading strategies and techniques.

Mutual funds typically publish quarterly or annual reports detailing their performance and providing market insights. Novice traders can use these reports as a learning tool to understand how the fund manager makes investment decisions and how various market factors affect the fund’s performance.

Investing in mutual funds allows novice traders to learn and gain experience in the forex market without having to manage their trades actively. It can be a confidence booster for new traders, allowing them to gradually transition to managing their investments independently.