Retailers typically use a wealth of resources to get people to walk through the door of their store. However, attracting traffic is just the start. The right steps have to be undertaken to generate sales once the shoppers come inside. As Kavan Choksi Professional Investor says, while having artful displays at a store can be a great idea, it is not always enough. One has to create and follow a robust retail sales strategy.
Kavan Choksi Professional Investor marks a few valuable retail sales tips
A proper retail sales strategy is paramount for the success and sustainability of any retail business. It serves as the blueprint that guides the overall approach to selling products or services, ensuring that every aspect of the retail operation aligns with overarching business goals. The importance of a well-crafted retail sales strategy cannot be overstated, as it directly influences revenue generation, customer satisfaction, and market positioning.
Here are a few pointers one can incorporate into their retail sales strategy for better outcomes:
- Sell solutions to pain points: Instead of simply focusing on the price of a product, retailers should try to properly explain how it can benefit the customer and add value to their lives. Putting emphasis on value, instead of simply technical product knowledge, may even help retailers to avoid discounting just to move inventory. Doing so would help retailers to educate customers about the unique features and benefits of every product. For example, a person running a skincare store can sell bundles including a face cleanser, toner, and a moisturizer, and explain to the customers how they work together for specific skin types.
- Focus on quality conversations with quality customers: Rather than having surface-level conversations about the weather, retailers should actually try to know the potential customers walking through their doors. This type of a sales conversation allows retailers to dig deeper into the pain points of the prospective customers, and act as the entry point for a sales pitch.
- Understand the customers: It is common for prospective customers to raise objections to products within a few minutes of a sales conversation. A retailer or salesperson has to take this as a cue to personalize their sales approach.
- Offer product demos: Customers might be hesitant to buy a brand new product if they are not sure about how it exactly works. Hence, demonstrating how potential customers can use the product they are thinking of buying can be a good way to grab their attention and close the sales.
- Give free samples: If one does not have any product to demonstrate, one may even have smaller versions of the item in hand and give them away for free. This sales technique has been popular for generations.
Like most things in life, persistence is key to ensuring high retail sales. As Kavan Choksi Professional Investor says, keeping in touch with the customers and following up after the sale is important to encourage repeat purchases. On the whole, understanding consumer behaviours, and using tried-and-tested retail techniques allows retailers to meet the demands of the target audience and improve their sales outcomes.